Online, On-demand Mother-Daughter Topic Courses

Healing Mother-Daughter Attachment®

You're in the right place if you want to understand:

  • Why mothers and daughters fight, feel unheard, misunderstood, disrespected, and unloved
  • The Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model
  • How mothers and daughters are set up for conflict 
  • How to build a strong, emotionally connected mother-daughter bond 
  • How themes are passed down from mother to daughter
  • How mothers and daughters can facilitate generational change
  • Maternal jealousy
  • How to heal blame, shame, and guilt 
  • How to stop feeling responsible for each other’s needs and unhappiness
  • How to respect your generational differences

"Being Heard + Being Understood = Feeling Loved"

The Mother-Daughter Puzzle, p. 96

In these online courses, you will learn that Mother-Daughter Conflict is not inevitable, not caused by mothers and daughters alone, and surprisingly easy to understand.

Mother-daughter conflict is painful! The common belief that separation from our parents is a necessary developmental step is inaccurate for mothers and daughters. Research shows that mothers and daughters of all ages are wired for connection, that they need each other for their emotional wellbeing and development.

"Carol Gilligan, Lyn Mikel Brown, Jean Baker Miller, and the researchers at the Stone Center, Wellesley College discovered that adolescent daughters are wired to emotionally mature through their emotional connection with their mother. I have found this to be true with daughters of all ages, who look to their mothers for answers about who they are and what it means to be female." ~The Mother-Daughter Puzzle by Rosjke Hasseldine

In each Online Course, you experience – 

  1. Non-blaming, non-shaming understanding of yourself and your mother-daughter bond.
  2. Increased empathy for yourself and your mother or daughter. 
  3. Healing and emotional empowerment.  
  4. A-ha moments where the mother-daughter puzzle makes sense.
  5. Rosjke Hasseldine’s 30 plus years of research and working with 1000’s of mothers and daughters from different countries and cultures and the expertise of MDCI’s Teaching Faculty.
  6. A unique approach to learning about mother-daughter attachment that dispels shame, blame, and guilt, and invites curiosity, understanding, and empathy.

Online, on-demand Mother-Daughter Topic Courses provide learning and healing for women 18 years and older. The cost to purchase this course and invest in yourself and your mother-daughter connection is only $49! And you will have access to the course for 3 months. 

It is advisable to purchase Rosjke’s books “The Silent Female Scream” and “The Mother-Daughter Puzzle” alongside the online courses. They are available on Amazon and Kindle and your local bookstore.

Before signing up for the Course, please read the Terms and Conditions. 

Terms and Conditions

Common Mother-Daughter Myths

An Online Course for Mothers and Daughters

In this online course, you will receive information and video lessons that help you identify common myths about what causes mother-daughter conflict. 

Module 1: Separating Fact from Fiction
You will learn about the misinformation and inaccuracies in many of the common myths about what causes mother-daughter conflict. 

Module 2: Understand how Mother-Daughter Myths Harm
You will learn about the emotional and relational harm, and the unnecessary blame and guilt that inaccurate myths inflict on mothers and daughters.

Downloadable Worksheet
that guides you to explore the myths that are told in your family about the mother-daughter relationship, and the harm that these myths cause.

Downloadable CPD Certificate for 1.5 hours

Common Mother-Daughter Myths

$49 USD

3-Month Access


Mother-Daughter Conflict is the Canary
in the Coalmine

An Online Course for Mothers and Daughters

In this online course, you will receive information and video lessons that explain how deeply connected the mother-daughter relationship is with how women and girls are treated in their family and society.

Module 1: Mothers and Daughters Do Not Live in a Cultural Vacuum
You will learn that the Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model reveals how the mother-daughter bond is deeply impacted by the family and societal environment.   

Module 2: Mother-Daughter Conflict is the Canary in the Coalmine
You will learn how mother-daughter conflict is an urgent call to families and society, and spoiler alert, patriarchy, that all is not well with how women and girls are being treated.  

Downloadable Worksheet
that guides you to understand the environmental factors in your family, culture, and society that are impacting your mother-daughter bond.

Downloadable CPD Certificate for 1.5 hours

Mother-Daughter Conflict is the Canary in the Coalmine

$49 USD

3-Month Access


Generational Themes of Service
and Neglect

An Online Course for Mothers and Daughters

In this online course, you will receive information and video lessons that help you understand how service and neglect are harmful generational themes for mothers and daughters.

Module 1: Women’s generational experience with service and neglect
You will learn how women, especially mothers, are expected to be selfless caregivers, and how selfless sacrifice harms women’s relationship with themselves and their mother-daughter bond.  

Module 2: The River of Nurturing Flowing Backwards 
You will learn about common generational themes like the “Culture of Female Service” and the “River of Nurturing Flowing Backwards” and how to challenge and change them. Rosjke Hasseldine will map out her mother-daughter history, revealing how the river of nurturing flowed backwards in her generational family. 

Downloadable Worksheet that guides you to identify how the Culture of Female Service presents in your generational mother-daughter family.

Downloadable CPD Certificate for 1.5 hours

Mother-Daughter Generational Themes

$49 USD

3-Month Access


Voicing Your Silent Female Scream

An Online Course for Mothers and Daughters

In this online course, you will receive information and video lessons to help you understand how patriarchy silences women’s voices, and how to reclaim your voice, truth, and emotional needs.
Module 1: How Patriarchy Silences Women’s Voices
You will learn how patriarchy silences women’s voices and treats women as selfless beings who have no emotional needs of their own, and the harm this silencing inflicts on mothers and daughters.

Module 2: How to Speak Out the Silence
You will learn how to speak the language that voices what you feel, think, and need.

Downloadable Worksheet that guides you to explore how you have learned to silence yourself and how to claim your voice, truth, and emotional needs.

Downloadable CPD Certificate for 1.5 hours

Voicing Your Silent Female Scream

$49 USD

3-Month Access


What People Are Saying

"Rosjke Hasseldine has unique insights into the complex, hidden, and deep-rooted dynamics of mothers and daughters. The Mother-Daughter History Mapping tool helps women to sensitively examine their inherited emotional patterns and behaviors."

Coordinator, Women's UN Report Network

"Bravo, Rosjke, for bringing our attention to this highly neglected area."

Honorary Fellow, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

"As the foremost expert in this area, Rosjke provides valuable ideas about how to sort out lessons from our past and apply those that support our own unique aspirations."

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire

Media Features

Course Instructor

Executive Director/Founder - Rosjke Hasseldine
Rosjke is an internationally recognized mother-daughter therapist, speaker at professional and women’s conferences and she has spoken about her work at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Rosjke has a master’s degree in Counseling from Indiana University, is an accredited counselor and psychotherapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and the author of “The Mother-Daughter Puzzle” and “The Silent Female Scream” and numerous articles and blogs, which you can read on or  
Rosjke’s passion for understanding what she calls “the mother-daughter puzzle” began when she was a teenager, struggling with her relationship with her mother. She writes in “The Silent Female Scream” how her mother couldn’t listen to her, and as her mother’s eldest daughter, she was expected to be her mother’s emotional helpmate.
When her daughter was born, Rosjke knew that she needed to understand what had gone wrong in her mother-daughter bond, so that she could create a different relationship with her daughter. She knew that she needed to heal the emotional silence, selflessness, and self-sacrifice she had inherited from her mother and grandmother, so that she didn’t pass it on to her daughter. 
Rosjke is the Director and founder of Mother-Daughter Coaching International LLC (MDCI), a training organization that teaches mental health professionals, coaches, mothers, and daughters about the Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model (MDAM).
The MDAM makes the hidden dynamics easier to understand. It provides therapists, coaches, mothers, and daughters with a roadmap for emotional empowerment and relationship healing. And it reveals through the mother-daughter history mapping exercise the story of women’s generational experience with patriarchy, sexism, and misogyny. 

Frequently Asked Questions